Bible Groups

Here at True Deliverance, we welcome your participation in Small Groups. Everyone wants you to find a place where you "fit" and can share life with others. Sometimes, you won't click with first group you visit. Keep trying! While there is no perfect group, we're sure you will find a great one.


Women's Ministry

Meets every Third Monday from 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm.

The Women’s Ministry is of True Deliverance Church of God, Inc is actively committed to exhibiting the values needed to fulfill the vision and mission of the church.  We meet monthly to organize functions within the church, activities within the community and network with local churches to promote a unified body of Christ. The Women’s Ministry strives to meet the needs of the community by providing care and support for the elderly and bereaved families, offering financial, emotional and spiritual support to families who have been “adopted” by the ministry. We are continuously challenging ourselves to be virtuous women of God and an example in our homes and communities. Our ultimate purpose is to win souls for Christ!!!  


Men's Ministry

Meets every Third Monday from 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm.

The Men’s Ministry of True Deliverance Church of God, Inc. is dedicated to building strong, productive men, whether married, single, older or younger, who are committed to God, their families and their communities. To this end, we meet monthly to have bible study which teaches them the Word of God and how to actively apply biblical principles and their spiritual gifts to the ministry, mission of the church and to their lives. Our ultimate purpose is to win souls for Christ!!!  (Genesis 1:28) (Proverbs 27:17)   


Youth's Ministry

Meets every Wednesday from 5:30 pm -6:30 pm.

The Youth Ministry of True Deliverance Church of God, Inc.  has a vision to build a dynamic youth ministry where young children and young adults are contributing both spiritually and socially to our church ministry, other youths and the community as a whole. (Prov 22:6) The Youth Ministry accepts children from age 8.  In addition to teaching the Word of God through bible studies and discussions, we provide personal development in an effort to equip our youth to handle the world outside the church as they interact with their peers and others. Our youths are also involved in the Junior Outreach Program which feeds and clothes the homeless in Palm Beach County and provides support visits to the elderly and the sick and shut in. Our ultimate purpose is to win souls for Christ!!! 


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